Immerse yourself into the extraordinary world of “Hydrant for Electric Vehicles,” a novel by Alex Alves.​ This groundbreaking story, set within the vibrant landscapes of the 19th century, reveals the revolutionary invention of the hydrant valve, forever changing the course of transportation history.

Key Characters

Experience how the characters’ journeys bring life into this compelling narrative, infusing it with depth and intrigue. As you navigate these pages, you’ll become fascinated by a world where ambition, love, and betrayal collide amid unprecedented technological advancements.


Once a promising figure in Parson's Town, Norde's life takes a dramatic turn after he falls into the clutches of the secretive Brothers Alliance. Struggling to balance his moral compass and desires, he becomes entangled in a web of intrigue, ultimately leading to a life-altering decision.


A visionary inventor and businesswoman, Hemeve's brilliance in transportation technology sparks a revolution. Her journey from a countryside housewife to the forefront of invention showcases her strength, resilience, and determination.


The owner of Smith's General Store, Smith's ambition leads him down a path of manipulation and power plays. As his alliances and motivations unfold, he becomes a central figure in the elaborate network of associations that shape the story.


Attractive and provocative, Angelica's appearance disrupts Norde's life, setting off a chain of events that challenge his principles. Her actions and intentions remain shrouded in secrets, leaving a lingering sense of uncertainty.



Explore the impact of electrification and transportation innovations during the 19th century and their role in reshaping societies.


Delve into the characters' internal struggles as they confront ethical choices, often caught between personal desires and societal expectations.

Betrayal and

Uncover the intricate dynamics of loyalty and betrayal that test relationships and trust, revealing the lengths to which individuals will go for power, love, or revenge.


Hydrant for Electric Vehicles” transports readers to the vividly depicted landscapes of Parson’s Town and Black River City, each playing a pivotal role in the characters’ journeys. From the idyllic countryside to the bustling urban centers, the settings mirror the evolving nature of the characters and their experiences.


Historical Fiction

Fans of historical fiction, technology enthusiasts, and those intrigued by stories of moral complexity will be captivated by "Hydrant for Electric Vehicles." This engaging narrative combines rich historical context with intricate character development, offering a thought-provoking exploration of humanity's triumphs and flaws.


Hydrant for Electric Vehicles” is available now in bookstores and online retailers. Join us on this immersive journey through the past as we unravel the secrets, aspirations, and consequences that shape the lives of its unforgettable characters.

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